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6 tips to be more productive at work
1. Measure your work on goals met, not hours worked. The important thing is to get results and not work more hours than anyone else.
First, planning to achieve goals does not take more hours than anyone. The goal is not to work without end but to achieve the maximum milestones and objectives that we can.
2.- Reflect, at the beginning of the day marking objectives, and at the end of the day
Planning. At the beginning of each day, state “what are we going to achieve, what are we going to do, how are we going to use our time in the most efficient way possible” and achieve it. At the end of the day, we measure how we have used that time, what we have achieved, what we have done, and how we can do it better for the next day.
3.- Avoid procrastination, starting to say yes to tasks
If we do not like we attack it, what is more, comfortable we do it first thing in the morning, it is attacked and it is fulfilled.
4.- Divide and win. Divide large tasks into smaller ones. Those more complex and complicated tasks are divided into smaller ones, and more manageable.
5.- Difference between the urgent and the important. There is a difference of priorities in the tasks and one of the important ones is not to be overcome by the day today.